ACR OLAS (Overboard Location Alert System) technology provides an affordable wireless man overboard
(MOB) alarm system for cruisers and boaters. The product line includes the ACR OLAS Tag and ACR
OLAS Float-On MOB transmitters which are worn by the user to create a virtual tether between the user
and all synced smart phones or tablets containing the free ACR OLAS app. The range of the ACR OLAS
Tag and Float-On transmitters allows for MOB alarm system coverage on vessels up to 40 ft in length.
However, these transmitters are part of a larger scalable ecosystem of ACR OLAS products (transmitters
and receivers) that offer additional safety features. The system can be scaled for use with larger crews on
larger vessels through use of the OLAS CORE base station, OLAS GUARDIAN Engine Kill Switch and Alarm,